When life gives you Lyme: my adventures

Tag: <span>chronic illness</span>

So…You Found a Tick; What Steps To Take

So…You Found a Tick; What Steps To Take

Ticks carry over 250 diseases, so each bite you risk being transferred any one of these life changing diseases. So it is important to know what to do when you find a tick attached to your body, or someone else. The first thing to note is, […]

My Advice Before You Travel

My Advice Before You Travel

I traveled to Russia at the age of only 14 years old. The school had offered the trip, and after eagerly discussing it with my parents I signed up. Well, ten days later and 15 pounds heavier I hated it just as much as the […]

My Story

My Story

Wednesday, ACT tutoring. Thursday, Alzheimer’s association meeting. Friday, school talent show. Saturday, mall with friends. Sunday, college fair. Monday, boyfriend’s basketball game. Tuesday, sick at home. Wednesday, paralyzed. This is my story. I was born and raised in Colorado; what I believe to be the […]

The Great Actors

The Great Actors

We, will forever be your greatest actors. Through this perfectly tan skin, are broken bones, breaking more and more by each movement. This flawless skin hides the droopiness of one side of our face. This shiny hair covers the knife stabbing us in the side […]